Newsletter: April-June 2024


2024 Annual Report

The Muskoka Community Land Trust is on the cusp of building Ontario’s largest affordable housing development north of Barrie, and everything we’ve accomplished so far has been thanks to your support.

In our hot off the press 2024 Annual Report we go into detail about the progress we’ve made in the past year and the plans we have for the future. 

Today, we want to share our gratitude for the people and organizations who have made our success to date possible...

Read more and download our 2024 Annual Report here.

Community Insight Survey

The Florence Street Micro-Community is our pilot project and its success depends on your insight. We’re building a home-grown solution to the housing crisis in Muskoka, and it’s critically important that we hear from you.

With five minutes of your time, you can help us create housing that truly reflects what this community needs.


Huntsville Supports Donation of Land

At the June 24th General Committee meeting, Huntsville’s town council unanimously voted to move forward with the legal work necessary to transfer the land on Florence Street to the Muskoka Community Land Trust. 

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Welcome to Our Newest Director

Welcome to Burkhard Mausberg, who brings a wealth of experience in environmental, foundation, and community work at organizations like the Small Change Fund, the Manning Group, and the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation.

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Our Podcast is Back for Season Two

Our guest lineup includes Dr. Norman Yan, Len Ring from CAM, Kelly Jones, Aaron Binder from the Better Way Alliance, and Kate Trueland discussing inclusive tourism.

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Energy Poverty and the Climate Emergency

Tune in to EH! Environment Haliburton's presentation about the links between energy poverty, the affordable housing crisis, and the climate emergency.

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Kate Trueland and Championing Inclusive Spaces


Community Insight Survey