Housing Hope Community Bonds

Investing in a home grown, community led solution to the local housing, climate, and workforce crises

Investor Consultations

Monday, September 24th at 4PM (virtual)

The Muskoka Community Land Trust is pleased to invite you to the first investor consultation meeting for our upcoming community bond campaign. 

This community bond offers the opportunity to invest in our pilot project in Huntsville. Your investment will close the financing gap between acquiring the property and the start of construction, allowing us to move forward without delay while we secure government grants and longer-term project financing. 

As a result, 179 individuals and families in Huntsville who are priced out of the market will be welcomed into affordable and climate friendly homes in a mixed community on Florence Street. 

We invite you to join us to find out more about our project and the Housing Hope Community Bond, and to provide your feedback on this investment opportunity before we finalize the offering. 

Project Brief

Investor Consultation Feedback

Provide your feedback on this investment opportunity before we finalize the offering.