Newsletter: January-March 2024


Muskoka, you just keep showing up for each other.

Board Updates

We’re delighted to welcome Christopher Jordan-Stevens back from his leave of absence, and are incredibly fortunate to welcome two new community members to the board of directors at the same time.

Kathleen May is bringing her creative contemplation, community nurturing skills, and wealth of experience supporting women fleeing domestic violence to this work. Jennifer Alexis is bringing her creative vision, artist’s eye, and deep expertise in international sustainability development, project management, and funding partnerships.

Without volunteers giving their time and energy to guide this organization forward, we wouldn’t be a community land trust.

Florence Street Micro-Community Update

The Florence Street Micro-Community is deep in the throes of an application to the CMHC Affordable Housing Fund (formerly the Co-Investment Fund) for the two 36-unit rental buildings that comprise the first phase of construction.

…Read the rest here


You’re invited! Heat Eat Grow Go

Local panelists (including our very own Melinda Zytaruk) share expertise and personal experiences of their journeys towards sustainability

April 20th, 1:30PM in Huntsville. Register Here.

Task Force for Housing & Climate

How federal, provincial, and municipal governments can ensure we build 5.8M new homes that are affordable, low-carbon, and resilient

Read the entire Blueprint here

Local Steering Committees

Energetic volunteers are working hard on creating affordable housing solutions and community development in Huntsville and Bracebridge, and steering committees for other towns are in the works.

Join us!

Canadian Chamber of Commerce Recommendation

The CCC recommends that the Income Tax Act be amended so that donations of land to community land trusts be capital gains tax exempt.

Read the full report here (page 50).

At Home in Muskoka Podcast Season Finale

We're already planning the conversations to have in season two. If you're a community builder and want to talk about how to make Muskoka an inclusive home for all, please reach out.

Listen and subscribe here.



Dr. Norman Yan and the Friends of the Muskoka Watershed


New and Returning Board Members