Dr. Fay Martin and Places for People
I’m delighted to close season two of the podcast with a conversation with Fay Martin from Places for People. This is a critical listen for anyone struggling with a sense of hopelessness as we continue into a season of upheaval.
As Fay says, “doing what you can with what you have is a great antidote for feeling powerless and vulnerable”. Join us as we talk about the importance of using community resources to address community issues as an alternative to waiting for somebody else to fix things
Show Notes:
Places for People’s next fundraising campaign is selling degrees so they can repair the furnace in one of their properties. Donate today on their Facebook page: Turn Up the Heat for Places for People – Every Degree Makes a Difference!
Research into the social tipping point for effective change cited by Fay (and hats off to Heather for pulling these results showing between 3% to 25% together for us):
Find Places for People Online:
Instagram: @p4phaliburton
Facebook: @placesforpeoplehaliburton
Website: https://www.placesforpeople.ca/